Linking and Associating Your Records in Matrak

In Matrak every material, task, container, stillage, or delivery becomes its own Record and has its own associated ID number. Every record has its own record card that holds all vital information, related information and a full audit log.
The “View Related” tab located at the top of your record cards allows users view or link records together. Linking records enables users to connect any material to another material, location, task or subcomponents. Giving teams confidence that every piece of material or task required for the job is accounted for.
For example, which containers belong to which apartment, or if any materials have associated tasks that need to be checked.

Linking Records:
By using the “View Related” tab located at the top of your record card, you can see all information on linked records here. Users can also use this tab to link new records together – connecting any record to another record.
Create packing lists:
Linking records enables users to create packing lists in Matrak by directly linking: Materials to containers
1. Materials to stillages and deliveries
2. Materials to tasks
3. Containers with containers (Example: Stillages inside a shipping container)
4. Materials with containers (Example: Windows packed on a stillage)
You can also use the “View Related” tab to link records to associate:
1. Materials with subcomponents (Example: Sub-framing shipped separately to windows
2. Materials with locations (Example: Such as for warehouse management, or on-site materials management
3. Materials with tasks (Example: Such as ITPs / QA Inspections
4. Locations with tasks (Example: Such as progress tracking for trades without material tracking)
5. Locations with sub-locations (Example: Buildings -> Levels -> Zones -> Apartments -> Rooms)
6. Tasks with sub-tasks (Example: Multiple tasks that a single trade needs to complete for each apartment)
Speak to your Customer Success Representative or reach out to the team, to learn how to configure automated workflows between associated records. Such as requiring tasks to be completed in order to update a status, or automatically propagating an issue from the material level up to the apartment / floor