Trio is a premier mixed-use development compromising of 3 towers overlooking Box Hill, VIC Australia..
The 6 level podium occupying 488 apartments, holds two towers which are residential apartments and a third tower housing independent living apartments along with a two-level childcare facility.
Hickory uses Matrak to track the manufacturing of all facade panels for Trio, helping the team seamlessly run multiple manufacturers on the same job, concurrently.
The Problem
The build consisted of two towers with two different manufacturers manufacturing facade panels concurrently. It became hard to manage and understand which panels belonged to which this cost Hickory additional time when needing to follow up with manufacturers in the event panels were defective or needed to be re-ordered.
The Solution
Matrak was used to assigned every curtain wall panel for each tower to their respective manufacturing suppliers.
Hickory was able to track the right panels back to the right manufacturers in case of the event that items were delayed or defective
The Result
Hickory was able to offer the client earlier handover dates utilising Matrak to seamlessly run multiple manufacturers on the same job concurrently
Able to easily generate detailed shipping reports, drilled down to the specific panel